Book Storage and Pokepedia 


  • Read of data from .txt or .csv files.

    It has the functionality to read a file from the hard drive (.txt or .csv) that stores the data of the books.

  • Books CRUD.

    The program lists, adds, updates, or deletes the data of the books such as title, genre, ISBN, publisher, and author or authors.

  • Books finder

    It has the functionality to search for a book by ISBN, title, author, publisher, genre, or number of authors.

  • Storage of data in .txt or .csv files.

    It has the functionality to create a .txt or .csv file with the data of all the stored books.

  • Pokemon data

    It has the functionality to display the data of the pokemons such as name, ability, and URL of the pokemon's image.

  • Pokemon menu options

    It has a menu of options to display the data of the pokemons according to their generation, form, ability, habitat, or type.


  • Python (Source)

    Version: 3.10.7

    Python is a clear and powerful object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java.

  • Tabulate (Source)

    Version: 0.9.0

    It is a popular package used for formatting and displaying tabular data in a visually appealing manner. It provides a simple way to generate tables from various data sources, such as lists, dictionaries, or even database result sets. The library offers a range of table formats, including plain text, Markdown, and HTML.

  • Requests (Source)

    Version: 2.30.0

    It is a popular package used for making HTTP requests. It provides a convenient and user-friendly way to interact with web services, send HTTP requests, and handle their responses.

  • Pokeapi (Source)

    Version: v2

    This website provides a RESTful API interface to highly detailed objects built from thousands of lines of data related to Pokémon. We specifically cover the video game franchise. Using this website, you can consume information on Pokémon, their moves, abilities, types, egg groups and much, much more.